Friday, June 3, 2011

Why would you want Putin to be your boyfriend?

I get asked this question a lot.  As such, I decided to start this blog to begin to explain the many reasons why I think that Vladimir Putin would make the perfect boyfriend. 

A few important things to keep in mind when reading this blog: 

1) I have never actually met Putin, so I have no way to verify that my fantasies about how awesomely powerful and cool this man is are really true.  The closest we might have come to meeting was back in the summer of 2004, as I was standing on the streets on St. Petersburg as his cavalcade would go rushing by.  Of course, that also could have been a visiting dignitary from Tajikistan.  How would I know?

2) I am not a Russian journalist.  If I was, I'd probably think that Putin was a bastard.

3) I am not Russian.  I am an American captivated by this man's ability to hold power.

4) You should have figured this out by now, but I am also not Dmitry Medvedev.  Nor am I Lyudmila Putina, the luckiest woman alive.   

5) Perhaps because of my strange ideas about what types of men are attractive, I remain single.  If you are the ruler of a rather large and powerful country, you should send me a pic and maybe we can go out for drinks. 

6) I expose my longing for your entertainment.  Putin, my dear, if you do find your way here, drop me a line.

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